Two Minority Chicks and Some White Girl

Friday, December 22, 2006

That's Why They Call It Work

If it were easy, we’d all get up and go to “easy” every morning. It would be nice to spend our days typing sexy stories, pausing occasionally to gaze past our Kate Spade curtains and onto the tree-lined, sun-dappled boulevard below. Unfortunately, some of us require housing, utilities, and food. And no matter how sexy our lives may be, few would pay $5,000.00 a month to hear about it (although they might if they could participate in it).

The majority of us, therefore, have to find work that pays. And people only get paid to do what others won’t. This is why we have garbagemen, morticians, meat-renderers, and attorneys. Many, however, believe that every day they toil for The Man is another day robbed from The Dream. But unless you are one of the fortunate few who dreams of doing what others despise, chances are you will never find your Dream Job. And even if you do attain that elusive Dream Job, you will still have to wake up at a certain time, and be forced to do something that you do not want to do. Whether it involves catching a bus, or guest starring on Leno, it still ends up work. A few notable examples:


Dream Job: Rock Star

Work: Zooropa and beyond.

Stephen King

Dream Job: Best Selling Author

Work: Insomnia and beyond.

Molly Ringwald

Dream Job: Movie Star

Work: Lifetime TV (nothing lies beyond Lifetime TV).

Perhaps we envy Bono, Mr. King and Ms. Ringwald, because they were able to explore and exploit the rock star/author/actress within, while most of us never get past the waiter/barback/busboy without.

That may be why we envy Paris Hilton and her independently wealthy life. Like Paris, we would love to discover what we really want to do, as opposed to what we have to do to get by. And it seems that Ms. Hilton has indeed found her calling in reality television and pornography. For some of us then, independent wealth, rather than work, can be the goal. However, achieving said wealth, will also require some work. For example:

If you are a woman, marry up. It certainly helps to be pretty, however, it is not always necessary. You can be short, fat, and freckled, as long as you are attractive; that is, you arouse interest or pleasure in the opposite sex. To that end, spend 16 hours a day researching how to interest and pleasure a man into husbandry, and the remaining 8 getting your beauty sleep. Live and die by The Rules. Bake a moist delicious cake. Appear educated, but not smart. Wear a girdle. Giggle behind a fan.

Most importantly, adapt your standards to the situation at hand. You are not looking for a lover but a provider. Your future husband need not be tall and good-looking. You don’t have to be beautiful, so neither does he. Strive only to be slightly better looking than he is, so that he knows he could never do any better. It might be smartest to go for the ugliest man possible, since this provides the best assurance that he will never leave you for someone prettier, thinner, and younger than yourself.

Additionally, your husband does not have to be Hilton-rich. He just has to make more than you, which should not be too difficult since you don’t have a job. He also has to make enough money to put a roof over your head, food in your mouth, and clothes on your back.

The issue of children can be tricky. You might want to avoid having children, since this would require sharing the roof over your head, the food in your mouth and the clothes on your back. However, once you divorce, children come in handy as you can share in their child support.

Divorce is inevitable, as your husband will ultimately expect that you love, honor and care for him until death do you part. Prepare yourself by investing in an attorney who can draft an airtight prenup so that post-divorce, your husband will be required to support you in the lifestyle to which you have become accustomed. At least until you remarry.

Remarry well and divorce often. Marriage is like a job: The more experience you have, the more you should get paid. Demand significant raises, bonuses and benefits with each new marriage. By your seventh marriage, you should be making seven figures. At some point, you’ll have enough capital to start a business if you want to try working. Open a hair salon and buy yourself a white corvette.

Unfortunately, men rarely have the option of marrying up. Single women who make enough money to support two people often choose to spend their extra cash on shoes rather than men. They have been known to share the wealth with others, but it’s usually a family member or a child they choose to raise alone. Thus, the pool of sugar mamas who work for a living is staggeringly small. Given the laws of supply and demand, the least attractive and least wealthy of these women will still require a man to be devastatingly handsome, perpetually young, and fiercely loyal, before he can even get an interview. Much less half her paycheck. And even if one were devastatingly handsome, young and loyal, maintaining the status quo would require an insane amount of work, which is exactly what you’re trying to avoid. Going gay is not an option, as the standards for a kept gay man are twice as high as those of his straight counterpart.

For the man of leisure, finding a married woman who is living off her husband’s wealth (see above) is probably the best solution. Your primary responsibility is instant availability. Physically, you will have to be fit, handsome, and tall. If you are not, invest in a gym, plastic surgeon, and elevator shoes. Luckily, many women crave emotional rather than physical stimulation. Therefore, cultivate your personality. You never know when an endearing antidote will prevail over a premature tonsure. Listen like Oprah and subscribe to Cosmo. Appreciate the finer points of the zaftig form. Memorialize said form in a poem or song. Develop a charming yet self-deprecating sense of humor. Get your teeth capped. Win and influence others. Convince them you are loveable and capable. Expand existing relationships.

Sell yourself, not the product.

At some point, you may find that the burden of keeping your married lady happy outweighs any financial rewards you may recoup. Despair not. Your years of servicing the desperate housewife have not been in vain. Upon opening the classifieds, you will instantly realize you have the perfect skill set to make a killing in used car sales or commercial real estate brokerage.

A Moratorium on Christmas

Due to treacherous traffic on America’s expressways, colossal delays at the Nation’s airports, and unruly mobs threatening the health and safety of our most prominent shopping malls, the Department Of Homeland Security (hereinafter, the “DOHS”), has declared a moratorium on Christmas for the month of December, pursuant to Executive Order Number 102-9/PLS2, Clause 8432868-FM3 (hereinafter, the “ANTI-CLAUSE”).

Specifically, the ANTI-CLAUSE provides in relevant part:
During the month of December of any calendar year, no man, woman or child within the borders of these United States shall be allowed to celebrate Christmas. The term “Celebrating Christmas” includes but is not limited to:

1. Buying gifts.

2. Cooking a turkey dinner.

3. Traveling for non-business related purposes.

The ANTI-CLAUSE provides exemptions for the most exceptional individuals in the most extraordinary circumstances. That is, the ANTI-CLAUSE excludes those for whom Christmas was expressly meant. To that end, those who wish to be exempt from the ANTI-CLAUSE must file an application with the DOHS no later than January 1st of each calendar year. All applicants shall be required, among other things, to submit proper Proof of Lineage, as defined below, in order to obtain exemption from the ANTI-CLAUSE. Proof of Lineage shall require original certification of one’s direct descent from pilgrims on the Mayflower. Moreover, the applicant’s current surname must have been used in at least one (1) Nathaniel Hawthorne novel or, in the alternative, in at least two (2) of his short stories.

Applicants shall be subject to rigorous physical examination, and shall conform to the following standards:

For Females:

1. Height: Exactly Five Feet and Seven Inches (5’7”).

2. Weight: Exactly One Hundred Thirteen (113) pounds.

3. Age: Twenty-one to Twenty Five (21 – 25) years.

4. Race: Caucasian.

5. Hair color: Natural blonde. Modestly cut.

6. Eye color: Blue.

7. Number of children: Exactly two (2).

8. Gender of children: One (1) male, age eight (8); and one (1) female, age six (6).

9. Religion: Wealthyhousefrau. Must hold self out as God Fearing Christian (hereinafter, "GFC").

For Males:

1. Income: In excess of One Million and 00/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per annum. Net.

2. Height: Exactly Six Feet and Two Inches (6’2”).

3. Weight: Exactly One Hundred Eighty Five (185) pounds.

4. Age: Thirty to Forty (30 – 40).

5. Race: Caucasian.

6. Hair color: Natural blonde. Cut short, but in abundant quantities.

7. Eye color: Blue.

8. Number of children: Exactly two (2).

9. Gender of children: One (1) male, age eight (8); and one (1) female, age six (6).

10. Religion: Satanic Capitalist. Must hold self out as GFC.

Persons who do not meet each of the above-enumerated requirements are strongly discouraged from applying. Applicants who do not meet the above-enumerated criterion shall forfeit their $1,000.00 application fee, and be subject to at least twelve (12) year’s incarceration at their local State Penitentiary.

Those who have been granted exemption from the ANTI-CLAUSE (hereinafter, the “CHRISTMAS WORTHY”) shall be notified via overnight mail no later than April 1 of each calendar year. During the month of December, the CHRISTMAS WORTHY shall be required to perform the following:

1. Spend at least six (6) month's salary, gross, on gifts for each of the following:

a. Nuclear family

b. Extended family

c. Employers

d. Employees

e. Friends

f. Acquaintances

g. Pets

h. Pets belonging to those enumerated in sub (a) through (f)

i. Children belonging to those enumerated in sub (b) through (f)

2. Cook and eat a seven (7) course turkey dinner with nuclear family of four (4).

3. Travel in excess of two-thousand (2,000) miles to eat second seven (7) course turkey dinner with extended family.

4. Agree to appear as the perfect traditional American family, in the Christmas issues of each of the following publications and television shows. Gratis:

a. Strom Thurmond’s Very White Christmas

b. The Norman Rockwell Retrospective

c. The Martha Stewart Retrospective

d. Good Housekeeping

e. House and Garden (Magazine and TV show)

f. Oprah (Magazine and TV show)

g. The View

h. Live with Regis and Kelly

i. The Today Show

j. The Tonight Show

k. Anything on TLC

l. Anything on HGTV

m. Anything on Food Network

n. Anything on Lifetime

Please note that those who are not CHRISTMAS WORTHY (hereinafter, the “UNWORTHY”), shall only be allowed to celebrate Christmas during the months from January through November.

Most importantly, the UNWORTHY shall be required to do the following during the month of December:

1. Spend at least six (6) hours speaking their mother and actually doing what she says.

2. Cook and share a seven (7) course turkey dinner with a homeless shelter.

3. Travel to the nearest humane society and adopt a pet.

4. Agree to never falsely hold themselves out as a member of the perfect traditional American family, or as a member of the CHRISTMAS WORTHY.

Only with the cooperation of the American people, can the DOHS reasonably and impartially ensure the safety of this great Nation.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Cam Whore

Laura Lee, or as some of her fanboyz mistakenly call her, "Lorali," is Korean. Though she doesn't know Inchon from Panchan, Laura is never shy about flaunting her Asian-ness, especially when there is manual labor involved. "Can you her-rup me, prreej-uh?" She will mewl, offering up an unyielding pickle jar in her outstretched, emaciated little monkey-paws.

Naturally, the world is more than happy to oblige. Clad in teeny-weeny Hello-Kitty T's, black-rimmed Emo glasses, and uber-distressed Seven Jeans, Laura is the hip version of the Unicef poster child on crack cocaine. Although Laura would never do crack cocaine. She would never do any drugs. Laura, in fact, has only one addiction. The Internet. Only in the vast world of cyberspace can she find millions of suitors to come to her rescue. After all, someone as frail and delicate as Laura Lee can never have too many heroes.

Laura visits several webforums daily under the exotic handle "PassionatePersimmon." Just in case that is too subtle, she also posts a thong-clad Pokemon as her avatar. Just in case that is too subtle, she constantly posts pictures of her half-naked, anorexic body, perhaps in the hopes of making non-confrontational, non-violent, pan-pacific, pacifist statements about starving children in the war-torn, third-world country that is South Korea. Not that Laura's ever been to South Korea. However, she did watch an episode of M*A*S*H which haunts her to this day. Thus, inspired by Nick at Night and its dead-on depictions of Buddhist self-immolation, Laura makes daily vigils to politically conscientious sites like,,, and Once there, she tirelessly scans for opportunities to make her statement, sometimes surfing for hours before she finds threads such as:

"Which part of your body do you hate the most?"

PassionatePersimmon: I just HATE my twelve-year-old-little-boy-bewbies, see?





Or this:

THREAD: Any Secret Santa Ideas?

PassionatePersimmon: A T-shirt please! Just make sure it is EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA SMALL, due to my itty-bitty twelve-year-old-little-boy-bewbies, see?


FriendsOfFrodo: OMG HAWT!!!

WouldGoGayForLegolas: OMG HAWT HAWT HAWT!!!


Or this:

THREAD: "How is everyone feeling today?"

PassionatePersimmon: LIKE THIS! WHEEEEEEEEE!


CaptnJTKirk: OMG HAWT!!!


1stLieutenantSulu: FAP FAP FAP!!!

As in any public forum, sometimes Communist-loving Nazis will spark fierce political debate with offensive racist rhetoric such as:

REASONABLEPERSON: Does anyone else think PassionatePersimmon is a total attention whore?


PerceptivePollster: Who jacks off hardest to Persimmon's posts?

(A) Men

(B) Women

(C) Persimmon

These questions immediately evoke cerebral rejoinders such as:

PussyWhipped4Persimmon: FUCK YOU!

2Fat2Date: ASSHOLE!

40&LivingWithMommy: FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!



PussyWhipped4Persimmon: OMG HAWT!!!


40&LivingWithMommy: FAP FAP FAP!!!

Sing to the Tune of The Raven

For my Kat, Da Chubba

Once upon a weekend dreary, while I slept through soaps on TV,
Over Cheetoes and Doritos and half-eaten apple cores—
While I lay there, gently snoring, suddenly there came a purring,
Like a turbine loudly revving, revving up and down Lake Shore.
“Tis a big mack truck,” I muttered, “revving up and down Lake Shore—
Only this and nothing more.”

Ah, distinctly I remember from October through December,
Never leaving home except to get some Twinkies from the store.
Comatose I watched award shows, home and garden and all-talk shows
Vainly hoping to forget the girl I dated on my floor—
That gross disgusting neighbor who resided just next door—
Permabanned for evermore.

But the never-ending thumping of my horny neighbor humping
Another man kept me jumping up and down from two to four;
So that now, to still my anger, and to keep myself from murder;
I wrote a nasty letter and ran to tape it to her door—
“Keep it down in there you hooker or I’ll bust you and your manwhore!”
This it said and nothing more.

Presently my soul grew stronger, hesitating then no longer,
Ninja-like I taped the evil note onto my neighbor’s door;
Just then the door was opened, and my neighbor grabbed my token,
As I turned and raced as fast as I could to my condo door,
Although she tried to chase me, I ran in and slammed the door.
Darkness then and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, feeling nervously like peeing,
Seeking out the remote so that I could watch TV some more;
But the silence was unbroken, for deep within the cushions,
Unbeknownst to me lay hidden, the remote that I looked for.
So I lay there on my futon, made of plywood fiberboard,
With no TV and fully bored.

As I lay there tossing, turning, all the Cheetos in me churning,
Soon again I heard a purring somewhat louder than before.
"Surely," said I, "surely that is something at my window lattice;
Let me see, then, what thereat is and this mystery explore--
Let my heart be still a moment while I raise the Levolors;--
'Tis the traffic, nothing more.

Then I heard a distinct sputter, followed by a hiss and flutter,
And suddenly there sat the furry black cat from next door.
Not the least obeisance made she; not a minute stopped or stayed she,
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my VCR--
Perched upon a tape of J-Lo just atop my VCR--
Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Then the ebony cat beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the lazy, bored decorum of the countenance she wore,
Said I, "Your coat is furry, and outside is a snow flurry,
So stay here and be all cuddly and curl cutely on the floor—
I will name you Chubba Wubba and I’ll squeeze you ‘till your sore!”
Quoth da Chubba, “Nevermore.”

Much I marvelled this ungainly cat to hear discourse so plainly,
Though its answer little meaning—little relevancy bore;
For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet was blessed with seeing a cat atop his VCR—
Cat or bat upon the J-Lo tape atop his VCR,
Say such a thing as "Nevermore."

Gleefully I pinched and grabbed her, squooshed and smooshed and plain harassed her,
“Oh you are so cute!” I gushed with feeling and fervor!
Nothing farther did she utter; not a whisker did she flutter—
Til I asked about the skank and all her suitors from next door—
“Were they stringy, were they stingy? Did they clean and do her chores?”
“No,” the cat said, "She’s a whore."

Cackling I embraced the kitty, laughing cuz she was so witty,
Howling at her meanness and her evilness galore.
Though she yowled and tried to bite me, I just squeezed her extra tightly
Then she hissed at me forthrightly, till I dropped her on the floor—
Silently she glared at me astonished and abhorred.
Then the cat said “This means war.”

Pissed she raced along my hallway, heavy belly swinging sideways,
As her teeny paws attempted to take hold upon my floor;
So I chased her to the bathroom, then the kitchen then the bedroom
Round and round I chased her till she fell in a stupor.
Panting and exhausted she lay sprawled upon the floor,
Pleading, meowing, “Please no more!”

Laughing I ignored her crying, picked her up as she lay sighing,
Pushing and stiff-pawing me with yellow eyes that did implore;
Yet I held on resolutely, refusing absolutely
All da Chubba’s sad entreaties to be let down on the floor;
Onto the hardwood floors where she was so comfortable before,
To which I replied, “Nevermore!”

Then, it seemed the air grew rancid, smelling like sulfuric acid
Just like rotten eggs that sat forgotten in a grocery store.
"Gross," I cried, "You have just sprayed me! Even though I know she spayed thee!”
Respite—respite I needed from the sour air indoors!
“Get away from me!” I screamed, “So I can breathe the air outdoors!”
Quoth da Chubba, "Nevermore."

"Putrid!" said I, "stinking evil!—wicked reek that’s so medieval!—
Then I dropped her and she rolled like a boll weevil on the floor,
Gagging I ran to the bathroom, hoping I would make it there soon—
Heaving up the burning Cheetoes and Doritoes from before—
Is there--is there some Pepto Bismol?—tell me—tell me, I implore!"
Quoth da Chubba, "Nevermore."

"Farting monster! Cat of evil!—farting spraying fat boll weevil!
I’ll kill thy mother and thy father, and that stupid whore next door—
Don’t you know my stomach’s ailing, don’t you know I fear inhaling,
That horrid stench still emanating, from your foul posterior?
Please go home!” I begged the kitty, as I held open the door.
Quoth da Chubba, "Nevermore."

"Be that our sign of parting, cat or fiend! Will you stop farting!”
Then she arched her back and hacked up two huge hairballs on my floor.
“Leave no hairball as a token of the wind that you have broken!
Here take all my subway tokens and get your smelly ass outdoors!
Move thy butt up out my face, and take thy form from off my floor!"
Quoth da Chubba, "Nevermore."

And da Chubba, never flitting, is now shitting, yes she’s shitting
On the bootleg tape of J-Lo just above my VCR;
And her crap has all the reeking of a demon defecating
And the bulb over my toilet bowl glows brighter than before;
And my heaving, clenching belly that convulses on the floor,
Shall be hungry—nevermore!

You Are Not Carrie Bradshaw

"Oh My God! That is SO ME!" Ever since syndication, the cry is ubiquitous. No longer the sole property of HBO, anyone with basic cable or even an antenna can pick up all six seasons of "Sex and the City" in glorious technicolor. Whether you live on the Island of Manhattan or in the trailers of Honkey-Tonk Heaven, you can choose to be a Carrie or Miranda, a Charlotte or Samantha. Perhaps the ladies feel such affinity for these characters because unlike Jill Munroe, Kelly Garrett and Sabrina Duncan, the fabulous four are somewhat accessible. They are not poster-girl gorgeous, they do not pack heat.

But the similarities do end there. The chances of writing a sex column for The New York Star equal one's chances of working for Charlie Townsend. And while no one is beating down the doors of their local police academy, suddenly, women making $40,000.00 a year are buying $500.00 shoes. They layer jeans under miniskirts under leotards under tube tops under short wrap shirts over Manolo Blahniks, and they down enough martinis to fell a longshoreman. But because they are not Carrie, they whine that they look "fat" in their bag lady couture. They complain that their girlfriends are too "busy" with their "jobs" and their "lives" to listen to the same story about the same guy who dumped them the same way at the same day time and place.

So here is the truth ladies. You are not Carrie Bradshaw. The only way you could afford her apartment on 72nd and Lex is if you are Sarah Jessica Parker. The only way you could write a column for a New York daily is if you had the talent, connections and sheer luck of Candace Bushnell. To that end, kindly stop abusing your friends just because they will not listen to you complain about how empty your life is. If you have a roof over your head, and family and friends that support rather than enable you, you are light years ahead of Carrie. For the "real" Ms. Bradshaw would be nothing more than a ghetto crackwhore, and Mr. Big, nothing more than her small-time pimp.

Cut the Chase

"Why doesn't he call?"

"Because he does not like you."

Men work, they sleep, they eat, they exercise, they relax. They do not want to take the time out of their busy schedules, to add yet another thing to do to their list. The only reason that they might add yet another thing to do, is if it were really worth it. Sex, of course, is really worth it. So maybe they will take the time to find a willing partner so they can have sex.

The problem, of course, is that the willing partner is only willing if there are all kinds of ridiculous strings attached. Like a second date. Some men even forgo having sex as often as they would like, because they do not want to make room in their lives for that second date. They are too busy working, sleeping, eating, exercising, and relaxing.

However, some men finally come to the realization that everyone needs love, including their busy selves. So they go out, and they seek a long-term partner. After much dating around, they decide that the only woman for whom they will sacrifice their precious time, is as brilliant as a neurosurgeon, and a dead ringer for Cindy Crawford. And until they find Cindy Crawford the Neurosurgeon, they will not settle for anyone else.

You are not Cindy Crawford the Neurosurgeon. Even though you probably have a much better personality than Ms. Crawford, you are probably shorter, fatter and uglier than the opulent Supermodel. Even though you aced your SATs back in '87, you probably do not have the requisite skills to successfully remove a brain tumor. Of course, just because you are uglier than a Supermodel, and stupider than a neurosurgeon, does not mean you are unattractive or unintelligent. In fact, you are probably far more attractive and intelligent than the short, fat, bald toad holding out for Dr. Crawford.

So why then, do attractive, intelligent women feel personally attacked when a man is uninterested? Why do they pine incessantly and needlessly over men who are clearly looking for Cindy Crawford, MD? Worse yet, why do they whine relentlessly, for hours on end, to anyone that will listen, overanalyzing the myriad of possible reasons as to why this person isn't calling? Finally, why are the victims of said logorrhea too cowardly to state the obvious, thus ending all speculation, while salving any wounded feelings with offers of warm baked goods: "He is not calling because he does not like you. Let's order pie."

Women are just as busy as men. They work, sleep, eat, exercise and relax. They do not have the time to add anything to their list of things to do. Yet unlike their male counterparts, they invest every spare moment wondering why he doesn't call. At first I thought it was the infamous biological clock ticking in. So I would ask, "Why the high drama? Is it because you want to have children and a family?" Certainly the obsession over finding a boyfriend made perfect sense if what these women really felt was a biological imperative to have children. And while a husband would not necessarily be required, he certainly would come in handy.

Moreover, it would explain why these women "absolutely refused to settle" for anything less than Brad Pitt the Billionaire Astrophysicist. Since cute smart genes equal cute smart children, it is understandable why a mother-to-be would only want to find the best looking, most successful, most intelligent man possible to father her progeny. And of course, if any of my friends desperately wanted children, I would be happy to commiserate, lend an ear, and advise as best as I could: "You are so right, all the Billionaire Astrophysicists who resemble Brad Pitt are married or gay. That is so unfair!" And "Of course you should not settle for Morris the nearsighted accountant who sends flowers and poems every week, because you'll only wind up producing nearsighted children who like math."

But each time I asked any of my friends if they wanted a family, the answer was a resounding "Hell no! I don't want kids!" These women were proud to admit that they were too focused on themselves to take care of anyone's children, especially their own. They used birth control religiously, and sarcastically referred to married friends and family as "breeders." So if this fanatical fixation on finding a "quality" boyfriend had nothing to do with children, what could it possibly be?

These women believe that if they date Brad Pitt the Billionaire Astrophysicist, they will magically transform into Cindy Crawford the Neurosurgeon. And as much as these women would like to believe they are beyond Cinderella, and beyond high school insecurities, they still believe the fairy tale, and they still buy into the cliques. At five years old, these women believed that if they had Prince Charming on their arm, they would magically transform into a Fairy Princess and live in a big castle. At sixteen years of age, these same women believed that dating the Varsity Quarterback would magically transform them into the head cheerleader, and get them into all the best parties. Now at thirty-six, these women believe that in dating Brad Pitt, they will magically transform into Cindy Crawford, live in a castle, and go to the best parties. Never mind that these women already have million dollar homes in the Gold Coast. Never mind that these women already get invited to the best parties. Never mind that they are the envy of the evil stepsisters, the catty mean girls, and their co-workers. They are still not Cindy Crawford, and it's all Brad Pitt's fault. If only he would call! If only he would give her a chance, he'd see what a beautiful, intelligent girl she was. Never mind that she doesn't look like a Supermodel yet. All he has to do is give her the magic slipper, his fraternity pin, the 3 carat princess cut flawless diamond, and he can transform her into the woman of her own dreams.

Unfortunately, Brad Pitt doesn't want to take the time to transform anyone. He wants his Supermodel pre-packaged and ready-made. Needless to say, there are very few Brad Pitts around, and the ones that do exist are usually dicks. They are more than happy to tell a woman she looks fat, old, and stupid. And because they look like Brad Pitt and are Astrophysicists making billions of dollars a year, they get away with it, and the women buy it.

As the years go by and the Brad Pitts grow even scarcer, suddenly the women pursuing them grow less picky. They decide that men don't actually have to look like Mr. Pitt, or have a Doctorate in Astrophysics. Rather, these women who would heretofore never settle for anyone less than Dr. Pitt, are now settling for someone who just acts like him; that is, like an arrogant bastard. Said man could be a repulsive, bankrupt, brainless toad, but somehow his horrible behavior magically transforms him into a handsome, wealthy, witty Prince. And these otherwise sophisticated women will sob uncontrollably, baffled by their own behavior, wondering what is it about that toad they find so attractive. They will spend countless hours, raving, ranting and analyzing to death why their toad refuses to call. Why their toad refuses to unleash the Prince within, and transform her into the Fairy Princess she deserves to be!

So these women, growing ever more hysterical, bitter and furious, spend their lives hunting and chasing the repulsive, the bankrupt and the brainless, all the while ignoring Morris the accountant, patiently waiting on the sidelines, magic slipper, fraternity pin, and 3 carat princess cut flawless diamond expectantly in hand.

I Am So Fat

I understand we have an obesity epidemic in this country. I understand overeating probably stems from abuse, stress, frustration and boredom. I understand there is an unrealistic media-generated image of what the perfect form should be, and that if you have babies you are never going to be the Supermodel you were pre-pregnancy.

And yet, I also understand folks are eating forty-ounce bags of Frito Scoops drenched in Funfetti Frosting. That cold weather provides the perfect excuse to lie in one's bed watching The Sanford and Son Marathon, slipping in and out of consciousness just long enough to ingest three pounds of jalapeno poppers washed down with sixty-four ounces of diet coke.

Everywhere you look, people are eating, and not just in restaurants and at dinner tables. We're talking in dressing rooms, on public transportation, while driving, while waiting in line at the Jewel, while sitting at a receptionist's desk, while yapping into their intolerable cellphones, and even while going to the bathroom. Walk onto any subway train or city bus, and you are immediately assailed by the unappetizing scent of KFC mingled with BO. Sit down to untangle a compex financial analysis, and it is inevitable your cubemate will sit down to a seven course "Grand Slam" breakfast. Yet these same folks wonder how they gained 30 pounds in three days, since they never eat and they're never hungry.

I am convinced that every single person that wanted to lose weight could do so by doing one thing and one thing only: Eating at a table. Forget Atkins, forget Weight Watchers, forget South Beach, forget anorexia. Eat whatever you like, whenever you like, but only eat sitting down, at an actual table, where food is usually served. It can be 7:00pm at a four star restaurant, 5:30pm at your dining table, 3:00am at a 24-hour diner, or 12:00pm in a prison mess hall, it does not matter, just sit at a table and eat whatever you like. Order appetizers, dinner and dessert. Supersize your meal. Drink the regular not the diet.

But you better make it good. Because the minute you get on your feet, or on the street, or in your car, or on the bus, or to your office, or on the couch, or into bed, you are absolutely forbidden from letting any food whatsoever even touch your lips. No gum. No candy. No mints. No double-decaf-skim-light-foam-venti-cap. Nothing. Ever.

Not only will this have the desired effect of shedding those unwanted pounds, it will instantly end the revolting food pollution infecting every single person within smelling distance of your Fritos, your Supersize Fries, and your Funfetti Frosting.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

An Open Letter to the Girls Gone Wild

Dear Ladies,

Enclosed please find an aerial map detailing the names, addresses and locations of the various drinking establishments, waiting with bated breath, for you to grace them with your presence. Appropriate dress is required of course; that is, long jeans, even in 103 degree weather, tank-tops from your local maternity store which emphasize your unsupported breasts while elegantly concealing the bulkiest of beer-bellies, and your choice of six inch stilettos or rhinestone flip flops, in magenta or chartreuse. Suggested, but not required, is a matching purse of titanic proportions, to house your cherry-pink Razr, Hello Kitty Camcorder, Camel Twista Lime Cigarettes, Colibri Beam Sensor Satin Goldlighter, candy-flavored, purple ribbed condoms (for your pleasure!), post-shack-up change of clothing for the inevitable pre-dawn walk of shame, and miniature toy Pomeranian.

The fine amenities at these establishments include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. 400 pound security personnel to ensure that minorities and non-college students are absolutely restricted from the Premises.

2. Slip-proof barstools and tables for your dancing pleasure.

3. Stripper poles.

4. Chandeliers to hang unwanted brassieres (in case you mistakenly leave the house wearing one).

5. Ten-cent wings and buckets o’ beer.

6. Sawdust in the unisex restroom.

7. Professional DJ with tasteful selections from B96 to Boots In A Dryer.

To guarantee a good time is had by all, please follow these unwritten rules of the house before entering the dance floor:

1. Your blood-alcohol percentage must be a whole number. For your testing convenience, Breathalyzers are provided next to the napkin holders.

2. Do not, under any circumstances, enter the dance floor without at least twelve of your girl friends.

3. Do not enter the dance floor without your purse, an overflowing, bright-red, tropical drink, and a lit a cigarette.

4. Stand in a circle spanning 100 feet in diameter, directly in the middle of the dance floor. Place all your purses in the center of the circle. This will ensure that no one will steal your belongings or take up your personal dance space. Dissuade all other women from entering the dance floor by spilling your drink on them, or burning them with your cigarette. Aim for the face.

5. Make sure that all bar patrons are staring at you at all times. If their attention begins to wane, squeal “woo woo!” in time with the music. If that does not work, blow a police whistle. If that does not work, spin some glow sticks. If that does not work, do a backbend. If that does not work, take your shirt off. If that does not work, do a backbend with your shirt off. If that does not work, kiss one of your girlfriends. If that does not work, kiss twelve of your girlfriends. If that does not work, have an orgy on the dance floor. If that does not work, have an orgy at home. Record said orgy with your Hello Kitty Camcorder. Post immediately on YouTube.

In the highly unlikely event that the end of the evening arrives, and you still have your pants on, do not be tempted to go to an unapproved “after-hours” bar. Do not go to “that one goth bar” that everyone talks about, but no one has actually seen. Every rumor you’ve heard about that one goth bar is true. For example, only men have sex on the dance floor – with each other. And should a poor, unsuspecting, Girl Gone Wild accidentally enter the building, she will immediately be sold into white slavery. Therefore, it is far better to just call it a night, go home, and drown your drunken loneliness in a frozen pot pie.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Chrissy and Missy sit in a cafe, drinking tea out of tiny cups.

CHRISSY: God I can’t stand her.

MISSY: She makes me want to puke.

Sissy breezes in and Missy and Chrissy jump up and down excitedly. There are hugs and kisses all around as the three sit down.

CHRISSY: How are you?

MISSY: You look fabulous!

SISSY: I am fabulous!

CHRISSY & MISSY (in unison): You are fabulous!

SISSY: It’s because I have a secret.

CHRISSY: Dew tell!

SISSY: I quit. My job.


SISSY: Yes! I’m lying in bed last night, and I’ve got twelve episodes of “Sex” on the Tivos—

MISSY: Omigod I love “Sex!”

CHRISSY: Omigod I love “Sex” too!

SISSY: So I’ve got twelve episodes of “Sex” to get through, and came to me just then. I cannot. Go. To work.

MISSY: But you love your job!

SISSY: It’s not my passion. Most people have no clue what they want to do, and that’s why they settle for corporate America. But me, I know exactly what I want to do, I just have to narrow the list.

CHRISSY: What a fabulous problem to have!

MISSY: You really are so good at so many things.

SISSY: When I was young, I was so talented. I was a fluent flautist at five.

MISSY: Five?

SISSY: Yes! Five! I was always creative. I could paint, I could write, I could sing, I was brilliant. My parents were even thinking of sending me to Gifted Preschool, but I said no, because I wanted to be marketable.

MISSY: At five.

SISSY: Five.


CHRISSY: So, what are you going to do?

SISSY: I’m going to take a year to figure it out.

CHRISSY: But what about, you know, (whispers) bills?

(Sissy looks at Chrissy as if she’s said a dirty word)

SISSY: Well. You know I’m not one of those girls who relies on some man.

MISSY: Oh gawd I hate those girls!

CHRISSY: I hate those girls too!

SISSY: Like on Valentines Day? I wasn’t seeing some stupid man you know? But I went out and bought me six dozen long stemmed red roses anyway because I deserve it!

MISSY: You do deserve it!

SISSY: I earned it!

CHRISSY: You totally earned it!

SISSY: I didn’t sit around on some Hallmark Holiday feeling sorry for myself! Just because I didn’t have a date, I mean who does that, you know?

MISSY: So pathetic.

CHRISSY: You’re too good for that!

SISSY: Then you know, I had this date, okay? And I’m sitting there in my new Prada, waiting for him at Sushi Samba Rio, okay? And I’m sitting there for like four hours and finally I’m like you know what? I don’t need this, okay? I’m too good for this, okay? I’m not some insecure little 21-year-old brat with abandonment issues! For Chrissakes! I make seven figures! So I bust out my RAZR and I call Bitzey—

MISSY: Omigod I love Bitzey!

CHRISSY: Omigod I love Bitzey too!

SISSY: So I call Bitzey, and it turns out Izzie’s playing at the Riv.

MISSY: Ugh, is she still seeing Izzie?

CHRISSY: I hate Izzie!

MISSY: All he does is sponge off Bitz, and she lets him. I mean, I love her to death, but really, what kind of woman dates a drummer?

CHRISSY: Really!

SISSY: So I head over to the Riv, and can I tell you? I had the most fabulous time ev-ah. Bitz and I sat up in the box, literally surrounded by Dom, and got absolutely smashed. I mean I blacked out.

CHRISSY: Hahahahaha!

MISSY: Awesome!

SISSY: And I remember waking up in the lawn outside Union Station—

(Chrissy and Missy overlapping, cackling uncontrollably)

CHRISSY: You did not—!

MISSY: No effing way—!

SISSY: And the next thing I know, sprinklers are going off all around me.

(Chrissy and Missy laugh loudly)

SISSY: And I decide it would be a good idea to, you know, walk home. So I get up, and I’m still completely wasted, and I walk up Michigan and over to Lake Shore—

MISSY: Drive???

SISSY: Yes, so I merge onto the Drive—

(Chrissy and Missy cackle even louder)

SISSY: And somehow I make it home. And I make myself some tea. And I draw myself a lovely Jacuzzi bubble bath. And then it hit me. I am so lucky. I am so truly blessed.

MISSY: You are—

CHRISSY: So blessed.

SISSY: I have everything. A great house, great friends, but most importantly, I have choices. I could have gone home like some stupid girl and cried to my livejournal about being stood up, but instead, I took the initiative to go out and have a kick-ass time. You don’t get anywhere in this world sitting around, you know? You’ve got to make things happen!

MISSY: Absolutely!

CHRISSY: So true.

SISSY: Which is exactly why I quit my job.


CHRISSY: So…what are you gonna do about, you know, (whispers) bills?

SISSY: (looking at CHRISSY: as if she’s said a dirty word): The Universe will provide.


MISSY: Absolutely!

CHRISSY: So true!


SISSY: So…Guess where I’m going now?

MISSY: Where?

SISSY: Guess!

CHRISSY: Mani-pedi?

MISSY: Laser-wax?


SISSY (excitedly): Starbucks!

MISSY: Omigod I love—!

SISSY: For a job application.

(Stunned beat)

SISSY: I’ve decided to work there part-time. You know, for the insurance?



SISSY: That way, I can have tons of time to think about what I’d be great at.


MISSY: Great.

CHRISSY: Um. Yes. (looking at Missy) Great?

MISSY (decisively): Great!

CHRISSY: Yes! Great! So great!

SISSY (getting up to hug the girls goodbye): Anyway, thank you so much for listening to me. I really love you guys, I mean I really do!

MISSY: Omigod!

CHRISSY: We love you too!

SISSY: I don’t know what I’d do without you.

MISSY: So we’ll see you soon?

SISSY: Yes! Def! Soon!

(Sissy exits. Missy and Chrissy watch her go, then sit back down, pausing for a beat.)

MISSY: God I hate her.

CHRISSY: She makes me want to puke.


Lester and Testo sit in chairs facing each other. Lester is tall, thin and somewhat weak-looking. Testo is a stone cold fox. Both wear headset-telephones, white shirts, ties and their suit coats are hung over the backs of their chairs. They type on imaginary laptops as they mime speaking into their headsets. There is a low partition between them, that they can easily see over when standing up. Two cubes of bright yellow light fall on Lester and Testo.

Lester (talking into headset as he types): How’s Jane? Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. And the twins? No kidding! Uh huh. Uh huh. Oh yeah, Jeffrey’s real excited about it. You know kids and soccer. I think Leslie’s gonna be doing the picnic this year too. Uh huh. Uh huh. Yeah. Oh…Oh sure…well … sure, I know how busy you are. Well I’m calling, see…I’m calling because I’m gonna be out your way next week. Yeah. Uh huh. Uh huh. Right, we got a gig going out in the ‘burbs and we’re gonna be right by your office, soooo…well, you know. I thought I’d just stop on by. Well, you know, it’s not that far, and it’s always good to…well, you know…I like to reach out and touch everyone whenever I can, ya know? Uh huh. Uh huh. Well, that’d be great! Yah, really really fantastic! Anytime would be a good time! You know me, Fridays are always wide open. Okay then. Okay, well we’ll see you then. Uh huh. Uh huh. Okay. Okay bye. Okay, bye now.

Testo (standing, looking over partition at Lester): That John Bush?

Lester (standing, putting hands casually in pockets): Uh yeah, matter of fact it is.

Testo: You know Brady and I’ve been chasin’ USB, don’t you?

Lester: Hmm. No, didn’t know that.

Testo: Uh, yeah. We been after them for seven years.

Lester: I’ve known JB for fourteen.

Testo: Oh really?

Lester: Yeah. His wife went to high school with my wife.

Testo: So your wife’s –

Lester: Yeah, but she’s my wife.


Lester: In fact, Leslie and Jane work at the PTA together, and Jeffrey’s on Jimbo’s soccer team.

Testo: So you and JB’re pretty much sleepin’ together.

Lester: ‘Fraid so.

Testo: Well, that’s funny. Cuz he never mentioned you.

Lester: When?

Testo: Brady and I took him over to Cantigny on Thursday. Played two rounds of eighteen back to back and he never mentioned you. Got pretty hammered too. Great guy, dontcha think? Anyway, turns out he’s looking for a quarter mil in the CBD. We got a meeting Friday to talk about it.

Lester: That’s pretty funny.

Testo: That is funny.


Testo: Look Lester, we’re gonna look like a real coupla assholes if we go in there with two separate pitches from the same company. It’s gonna look like we don’t know what the hell we’re doing.

Lester: So?

Testo: So, instead of fighting over the pitch and lookin’ like a coupla schmucks, let’s go in there together. You know, “strategize a united front” and all that bullshit.

Lester: No, I don’t think so.

Testo: What?

Lester: You heard me.

Testo: You’re saying you wanna go in there alone? Without me and Brady?

Lester: I’m saying I think you better back off.

Testo: What?

Lester: Back the fuck off.

Testo: Whoa whoa whoa. Lemme get this straight. You’re gonna throw away a Fortune Four company, just so you can pitch this deal alone. Do you realize we could stand to lose a fifty million dollar portfolio?

Lester: Who says I’m gonna lose anything?

Testo: Give me a fucking break Lester! You go in there with your slick homo suit, your bullshit smarmy pitch, and your pathetic excuse of a team, and you know what the fuck that guy’s gonna see?

Lester: Hey, fuck you Testo! Fuck you and your Brooks Brothers bullshit! You think anyone gives a shit that you got some stupid MBA from the University of Bumblefuck? You think a degree from some bullshit unaccredited school’s gonna really get you anywhere?

Testo: That’s right Lester! That’s fucking right! I got a fucking MBA, and I got a fucking degree, and you know what else? I got a fucking personality! That’s why I made the top ten back when I was twenty-fucking-six years old! That’s why I been in the Winners Circle eight years running, and that’s why I’m Senior VP! But you…You! You haven’t even cracked Senior Associate! What’s it been? Ten fucking years Lester? And you still can’t even make your fucking draw? What the hell’s wrong with you? What makes you think JB’s even gonna wanna look at you?—

Lester (voice wavering): Hey fuck you! John Bush is my client! It’s been on the goddamn SPOC list since ’97!


Testo: Look. I’m sorry. I was way outta line. But this is a big deal. It’s huge. You know, just because you “reach out and touch” someone a hundred times a day doesn’t mean they’re gonna give you the deal. This is a fifty million square foot portfolio, man! There’s no way either one of us could take on this thing alone.


Testo (conspiratorially): C’mon Lester. No hard feelings, huh? C’mon, we’re friends. You know what just one deal is gonna do for us? You know what we could stand to make? You wanna move to the Bluffs this year, right? Listen. USB’s lookin at 250K in the CBD. They been bilkin’ me and Brady for info on the AMEX building since February. Think of it. Class A, CBD, thirty-three triple net ten year term with no cancellation option. Even at 4 and 2 with 6, that’s gonna make our fuckin’ year. That’s gonna put us all in the Winner’s Circle twice over. I mean, fuck! We might even beat Team Six Pack! This could be fuckin’ huge!


Testo: So how ‘bout it, huh? C’mon Lester, whaddaya say?

Lester: Testo?

Testo: Yeah?

Lester: I think we should partner on this deal.

Testo: Yeah?

Lester: I think we can win the business.

Testo (gives Lester a hearty handshake while patting him firmly on the back): Fantastic Lester. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Lester: Yeah.

Testo: So here’s what we do. We bring in Brady to do the pitch—

Lester (listlessly falling back into his chair): Uh huh—

Testo: He’s got that whole boy-next-door, Leave-it-to-Beaver thing goin’—

Lester: Right.

Testo: Then we bring in Fredricksen and Vallone. Fredricksen has that gray hair, and Vallone…well hell…Vallone’d sell his own mother, ya know? Fuckin’ Italians.

Lester: Yeah.

During Testo’s monologue, the lights slowly begin to dim so that the only thing we eventually see is Lester, now sitting in his chair, with a cube-shaped shaft of yellow light falling on him. Testo’s voice also starts fading away, as he exits, stage right. The shaft of light on Lester grows brighter and brighter until Testo finishes his monologue.

Testo: So I figure, we bring in Brady, Fredricksen and Vallone, and maybe Kimberly Grabowski – to make the chicks happy, right? We can use the Waterman hook we used in back ’98, you know, employee retention during crisis times and all that bullshit. Man, I still can’t believe we lost that deal to C&D. What the hell were they thinking. You know, maybe we should get Janotta in on this. Just to make it look legit…

The cube of yellow light grows blindingly bright and then suddenly goes dark.


Testo (off stage, at full volume, triumphant): It’ll be fucking brilliant!

The yellow cube of light explodes once more on Lester. He sits bolt upright, facing the audience, clutching the arms of his chair. His face is twisted into a silent, agonized scream, as though he were being electrocuted.


Monday, December 11, 2006

Why They Don't Like Us

Mia and Kirsten, two Asian girls, sit in a bar drinking Diet Cokes from cans.

K: Opie hasn’t called yet.

M: He’ll call.

K: I don’t care.

M: He’ll call.

K: I don’t care. I’m sick of running after guys that don’t want me. They didn’t want me in high school and they don’t want me now.

M: You went to prep school.

K: So?

M: So what kinda prep school guy wants girls like us?

K: Whaddaya mean, us?

M: You know…us. You’re still married to the idea of some prototypical white knight on a white horse.

K: What prototypical? What prototype?

M: Prototypical of a guy named Opie.

K: It’s a nickname!

M: All your boyfriends have nicknames: Opie, Dover, Deuce…And what the hell’s a Deuce? His name’s Henry.

K: He’s a Second.

M: A what?

K: Henry Morgan Littlefield the Second. Get it? Deuce? Second?

M: (Beat) Oh good Lord.

K: So what? Why shouldn’t I date a Second?

M: Because Seconds like that are not attracted to women like us. At least not for the long term. And certainly not in public.

K: That’s stupid.

M: Stupid but true. Give up the Deuces of the world and find yourself a nice Korean engineer.

K: Why am I gonna do that? Why am I gonna settle for someone I’m not attracted to?

M: Because the men you’re attracted to don’t want you.

K: That’s bullshit.

M: Bullshit but true.

K: Even if I wanted a Korean engineer, who’s to say he’d want me?

M: You’re joking, right?

K: Dead serious! Anytime I meet an Asian guy, the first thing he asks is “Why are you so big?”

M: You’re not big!

K: To them I am! And they get to be as big as a house, as big as they like!

M: Well that’s true of white guys too, don’t you watch “King of Queens?”

K: What is that? Why can’t you see frumpy women with smokin’ hot men for a change?

M: Because it’s our job as women to stay beautiful and thin, so that our husbands pay us lots of money to stay home and not work.

K: What a crock.

M: Crock but true!

K: Fuck men! Fuck them all!

M: Do you still want to get married?

K: I do.

M: Why?

K: Because.


M: Because everyone is doing it?

K: No!

M: Because you want to have babies and be a stooped-over, self-sacrificing oh-mah for the rest of your life?

K: Hell no.

M: Then what?

K: It’s just…I don’t want to die alone.

M: Worry about that when you’re dead. Maybe have a torrid affair with your doctor so he can cover your hospital bills. Better yet, you don’t even have to worry about bills since you won’t have kids. You can die on credit!

K: That’s so wrong.

M: Marriage is so wrong. It’s a life of sacrifice to your husband and kids who don’t appreciate you. If that’s not want you want, why the brain damage over some frat boy?

K: I just hate it. I meet all these guys and they seem to like me, but they can’t commit. So we break up, and two months later he’s married to some pharm rep named Mindy. And your Korean engineers are no different. They just marry the Korean equivalent of Mindy the pharm rep -- You know, 80 pounds soaking wet—

M: Speaks no Eng-reesh—

K&M (in unison): Giggles behind a fan.

As K&M continue, a Handsome White Guy and a Handsome Asian Guy walk up.

K: I can’t stand it!

M: You can’t win!

K: I wish I were dead!

M: I wish they were dead!

HWG: Hello, Ladies.

HAG: May we ask you a question?

K&M (furious and in unison): WHAT?!?!?

HWG and HAG slowly back away as if from rabid, feral creatures. K&M watch them go, then take long swigs from their Diet Cokes.

M: It’s so unfair.

K: Why don’t they like us?